Sunday, March 20, 2005

Ode To Richard

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Webs to Learn From

These are links to webpages created by, or associated with, the 2005 Web Award judges.

Creative Behavior - Online Design Magazine, Design Articles, Designer Interview, Design Events and Competitions, Typography Articles

pixeltees : welcome!


SCENE 360 -- [ Art. Film. Literature. Music.]

ventilating all that is Canadian and all that is not : design magazine + resource

ZOOLOOK® Entertainment :: Tink Diffran Mon!

d r e w d a v i d s o n

URBAN COLLECTIVE // Creative Inspiration


Favourite Website Awards (FWA) - Web awards at the cutting edge

Netdiver is a new media design portal and digital culture magazine -> Feed your eyes


seabrooktv Creative Svcs Video & Multimedia

Fairvue Central - Introduction

FITC 2005

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Sun flower (I like the sun light through this camellia) - Online Art Supplies

American Camellia Society


Watercolor Grand Ave. Morning

Tulip tree - Saucer Magnolia

Nice Place - Nice view - Puget Sound is on the right (West)

Everett marina from the park

Grand Ave.

Grass firework


Saturday In The Park

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Wild Girl - Still Lookin Good!

Forsythia originated in Forsyth, Montana.

When you get to be as old as I am, you start to make stuff up ;-)

Actually I've always been a bit of a story teller. Maybe Forsythia did originate in Forsyth Montana? You never just never know.

Did I ever tell you about the guys who had a job in Forsyth that involved sitting under an awning in the sun drinking beer? It's an oldy but a goody. It's over at CafeJack in the archives somewhere. Actually that's Betsy's story come to think of it. I didn't actually see those two guys. It sounded funny as heck though when she described it.

Good old daffodil

camellia sky


white and purple

big seed pods


just a pot

teacup original

Very pretty until it rains

Golden Bells aka Forsythia

No numbers but still good for estimating temperature - pretty warm today

Take this broken wing and learn to fly...

warmed up

beach glass up close

stuff from a beach

Big bottle of beach glass - Need to go back to Orcas Island for more.

Bee happy to see these

Hello yellow flower

Jet trail

Into the wild blue yonder

Cartoon teacup

More nudity!

Floating Yellow

Mostly blue and yellow

Reflecting in My Yard

I Was Looking For This

It was between warm and hot today


That's what I saw on Tuesday March 8, 2005.

What a wonderful world

My Photo
Location: Everett, Washington, United States

I feel very fortunate to have known some good teachers in my life. They gave me the childlike curiousity to learn a little every day, appreciate the wonder all around us, and last but not least the ability to not take things too seriously. I can sit really still sometimes. Other times I just go in circles. I love to laugh, and try to make other people laugh. I ran out of room on the interest section but I also am interested in water, air, life, birds, flowers, animals, mountains, rivers --- everything.

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